Women in Politics

Politics is still dominated by men. In only 6 out of 183 countries, 50% or more members of national parliaments are women in 2024. The global average quota of women in parliaments is a miserable 25.5%. On this website, you will find the development of the male-female ratios in parliaments since 1950, which countries play pioneering roles and on which continents the ratios may be more balanced than on others. And you will gain other interesting insights and find out more unexpected facts.

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Data Source: IPU Imprint

In almost half of the countries around the world, the quota of women is below 25%. In around 85% of countries, the quota is below 40%. View the countries in detail or select another section of the percentage scale.

Only 6 countries have a share of 50% or more of female members of parliament – all these countries are in Africa or on the South American subcontinent. Rwanda is the pioneer with a 61.3% share, followed by Cuba (55.7%) and Nicaragua (53.9%).

Interesting differences can be observed between the continents. Countries in Africa and on the South American subcontinent have parliaments with the highest proportions of women, followed by Europe. The Asian and Oceanian countries are lagging far behind in this respect. Looking at the continents separately and comparing them, you will recognise interesting patterns.

The quota of female members of parliament has grown continuously since 1950. However, the pace in reaching equality in parliamentary representation has been slowing down in recent years.

In the 1970s, women were better represented in Europe than on other continents. In 1990, Cuba played a pioneering role with a 33.9% share of women, and from 2010 onwards, countries in Africa and on the South American subcontinent have overtaken European countries in terms of the quota of female members of parliament.

The country search allows you to find individual countries. Five countries can be selected and compared at the same time.

The Nordic countries perform far better than German-speaking nations such as Switzerland and Germany.

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